I enjoy your commentary and political interest in running for a council position. Positive forward thinking individuals that understand the community and its history. For me it is clear that you speak to an important situation that effects all in rhe community. More such communication to create broader awareness will be necessary but at some point suggestions of possibile solutions or organizational coming together will be critical. The city should not continue getting a development free pass. I once heard a council member say their are no homeless in Camas. That kind of rhetoric needs to be called out.
Agree with your perspective. My process is to learn in public, so to speak, and I still feel I'm in the learning phase. And so while rolling out a fully-developed set of solutions is premature, I am working toward that outcome. And once a plan is worked out, then we invite the community to help us work the plan. :)
If you look at the watershed map, (sent to you just now in regular email) and the Camas city limits map, (of which I can't find a good one), you see that a lot of Camas extends into old, yet undeveloped areas that have older houses that likely have bad septic systems. Further, just driving around those areas, you can see some areas with livestock.
Even though the county has the free Poop Smart inspection program, I wonder if any of these old houses have taken advantage of it.
Why can't The public works department hire a temporary septic inspection person,and if violations are found, the City declare the residence un-inhabital and assess fines or even bar entry to the house?
I enjoy your commentary and political interest in running for a council position. Positive forward thinking individuals that understand the community and its history. For me it is clear that you speak to an important situation that effects all in rhe community. More such communication to create broader awareness will be necessary but at some point suggestions of possibile solutions or organizational coming together will be critical. The city should not continue getting a development free pass. I once heard a council member say their are no homeless in Camas. That kind of rhetoric needs to be called out.
Agree with your perspective. My process is to learn in public, so to speak, and I still feel I'm in the learning phase. And so while rolling out a fully-developed set of solutions is premature, I am working toward that outcome. And once a plan is worked out, then we invite the community to help us work the plan. :)
Excellent posting, Ry. Spot on.
If you look at the watershed map, (sent to you just now in regular email) and the Camas city limits map, (of which I can't find a good one), you see that a lot of Camas extends into old, yet undeveloped areas that have older houses that likely have bad septic systems. Further, just driving around those areas, you can see some areas with livestock.
Even though the county has the free Poop Smart inspection program, I wonder if any of these old houses have taken advantage of it.
Why can't The public works department hire a temporary septic inspection person,and if violations are found, the City declare the residence un-inhabital and assess fines or even bar entry to the house?
Smart idea, Paul. Thanks for this - will look into it.